Foundation & Crack Repair in Boxborough, MA
The foundation of your house is critical to the safety of your home. When cracks in the foundation occur, it weakens the structural stability. These cracks can pose significant concerns and cause expensive repairs if left untreated.
While this may sound alarming, LeBlanc Basement Waterproofing offers foundation crack repairs that are straightforward and effective. We use the highest quality materials and developed methods to ensure your home is safe and reliable.
Don't Wait to Call the Pros for Foundation Repair

While not every crack in the wall is detrimental, it's best to contact a professional sooner rather than later. When a problem arises, dealing with it quickly helps prevent it from spreading throughout the rest of the home.
If you notice drywall cracks or uneven floors, you may have a more significant foundation problem. Since our technicians are trained and experienced, they know what troubling crack pattern formations to look for. They can also identify the root cause of the crack and the best solutions for your home.
Get In TouchWhat Is the Difference Between House Settlement Repair & House Foundation Repair?
House settlement and foundation repair are related concepts, but they address different aspects of structural stability.
The foundation is the base upon which the entire structure of a house rests. Foundation repair focuses on addressing issues with the foundation, such as cracks, shifting, or deterioration. These problems can arise from soil movement, water damage, poor construction, or natural disasters. Repairing the foundation may involve crack sealing, waterproofing, reinforcing with steel braces or piers, or even complete foundation replacement.
Settlement problems refer to a house's gradual sinking or shifting into the ground over time. Foundations settle due to various factors such as soil compression, poor soil conditions, or changes in moisture levels. Settlement repair involves stabilizing the house and addressing any uneven or excessive settling to prevent further damage. Techniques used in settlement repair may include underpinning with helical piers, mudjacking, or soil stabilization methods.
While settlement repair deals with the overall stability and leveling of the house caused by uneven settling, foundation repair specifically targets issues within the foundation structure to ensure the structural integrity of the entire building.
Not Just Fixing Walls: Also Offering Basement Floor Crack Repair Services
When cracks develop in the concrete flooring of a basement, contact LeBlanc Basement Waterproofing immediately for repair. These cracks can occur due to the settlement of the foundation, shrinkage of the concrete, or hydrostatic pressure from water in the soil surrounding the basement. Left unaddressed, these cracks can worsen over time, potentially leading to water infiltration, moisture issues, and even structural damage to the foundation.
Additionally, basement floor cracks can provide entry points for radon gas and other pollutants, compromising indoor air quality and posing health risks to occupants. Therefore, quick repair is crucial to prevent further damage to the basement structure, ensure a dry and safe environment, and maintain the home's overall integrity.